Item# 149

Easy Asymmetry Wrap e-Pattern
The ideal pattern for creating your own one-of-a-kind designer shawl with a mix of fancy and/or classic yarns. The shaping is done with a one-row super-easy lace pattern that knits naturally on the diagonal.

Choose any 3 yarns in harmonizing colors and a variety of textures to your liking. Each of the three yarns is knit for one row, then the sequence repeated, thus giving lots of color and textural interaction. Have fun!
Price: $6.00

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Not for knitters only. Use a gemstone lace needle as an old-fashioned hat pin!
Endcap Option :
Drop Beads - Size 3.4 mm
Drop Beads - Size 3.4 mm
High quality Japanese glass drop beads by Miyuki, approximately 300 per 15g. These beads are rounded at one end, and tapered at the other end where the hole is, i.e. they look like a teardrop!
shape of a teardrop bead
and are sometimes referred to as fringe beads. Great for beads around the edge of a shawl or scarf, or dangling within a yarn over of knitted lace, etc.

Beads are packaged in clear zip-top bags for easy handling; no tubes to roll around or tops popping off and spilling beads. Approximately 300 per 15g bag.

See sample card to get approximation of color. The two transparent crystal colors are similar. Choose the cool-toned crystal (DP-250) if you want the bead to add a bit of its own bluish and pinkish tones from the Aurora Borealis (AB) finish. Choose the warm-toned crystal (DP-131) for a perfectly clear bead to add sparkle to your yarn.

Color :
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